Colonoscopy Craziness

>> Monday, August 10, 2009

After two days of fasting and bowel prep (leaving me nauseous, constantly sleeping and 5 lbs smaller) I went in for my colonoscopy on Friday. I had asked multiple times during the previous week if anesthesia had been scheduled since I'd had to cancel the year before because someone didn't schedule them. On Friday none of the nurses could access my port (which has been moody lately) and I had to have an IV put in. I was ready to go when the doc noticed anesthesia hadn't been scheduled!!! A nurse tried to get someone to come but anesthesia was booked for the rest of the day. So home I went. We were NOT happy.

Saturday I ate very little since I was still nauseous from the prep. Sunday I started prepping all over with 5 different laxatives (since I can't take the one they would normally use). It didn't clean me out as well as I would have liked but I was guessing that doing a prep so soon after the other one was part of the reason. Also, I only fasted for one day this time. I wasn't going to starve myself and I was low enough of vitamins already. I did my best and went in today. Again my port couldn't be accessed and I had to have an IV. I went under full anesthesia even though I have possible bronchitis.

When I woke up the doctor told me they hadn't been able to do anything because I was FOS (Full Of Stool). So now we have to reschedule AGAIN. That is, if I consent. I'm kinda feeling like I'm done.

In other news my MELD is 15, and apparently I'm having some sort of problems because I had to have extra blood tests done over the weekend. Guess we'll find out about that.


Gina August 11, 2009 at 9:14 AM  

Have I mentioned reciently that doctors are idiots? ... Hey isn't your dad a lawyer? You guys should take them to court for pain and suffering!

OFF with their heads!


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