"Blood and Guts Stuff"
>> Monday, May 11, 2009
My nose has been bleeding all day. This does not make me happy because now I have one of those little raw, stinging spots on my nostril.
I went and got a blood test today after consulting Rayne, a brainless phlebotomist and my mother as to whether I could still go even though I had taken Imitrex. Obviously, I went. And apparently they're still taking ammonia levels on me because the guy put one of the tubes in a bad of ice. The ammonia levels tell them how badly my brain is working. And it's usually bad. At least I can still blog, right? And I know who my family is.
Oh, and outside the lab they had a cart with two boxes of masks on them and signs saying you had to wear one if you had any of the symptoms listed. Well, I had just about every symptom on there so...I wore the stupid mask. At least it kept my face warm...
I'm keeping my mask to wear when I go to the doctor's tomorrow. This is for purely selfish reasons. I don't want any of the crap other people are bringing into that office. Plus, they'd probably make me wear it anyway.
But hey, I look downright sexy in those masks. I do. Really.
After a long nap I put in another load of laundry, emptied my trash bin and puttered around on Facebook before I made a couple of medical phone calls. One was to UNMC to alert them to my incoming blood test results and also to ask them about the progress of the port issue.
You see, all of my sick friends have ports and love them. It's like an IV under the skin that you can keep for years. Hello convinence, goodbye IV pokes! I've begged and pleaded for one and now it looks like it's actually happening. The nurse at UNMC is going to email my doctor about it and then set up the surgery date.
Now, it will be risky since I'm in a pretty fragile state to go into surgery and the port has the possibility of infection, but my sick friends are either as sick as me or more so and they haven't had any problems. So I'm pretty confident about the whole thing. This port will get me through my waiting time, transplant and beyond!
I plan to spend the rest of my day doing more laundry and reading.
P.S. The title is one of Jo's lines from 'Little Women'
Just make sure that when someone goes to access your port you ask them if they have done it before.
I am totally seeing glamour shots of us in sexy masks! ;)
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