An Overdue Health Update
>> Friday, June 12, 2009
Hi all,
I've been lazy about updating (as usual).
Let's see...I've been doing acupuncture and adjustments with my chirpractor. That's been awesome. I always feel better when I leave.
I went to get my port flushed and get my blood drawn from it today. I had my two week aniversary with the port on Wednesday. I needed a blood test and I figured getting it flushed at 2 weeks was better than the recommended 4. No such luck. I've already developed a clot. So I'll be going in to get that taken care of soon (they just put a blood thinner in the port and let it sit for awhile).
I've been sleeping a lot lately and not eating a whole lot. Still, I've gained 4 lbs. At least, we think so. It could just be stuff sitting in my system.
Breathing has continued to be a big problem and I'm on a new inhaler. So far...well, it's better. But there's still room for improvement.
Been suffering hot flashes while my insurance gives the gyno the permission to continue giving me my injections with coverage. Obviously my insurance is run by a man...
Insomina has been really bad lately. Normally I don't mind because it means I can just stay up and read. This time around it's been like trying to fall asleep on caffine. You're SO sleepy but nothing happens. And I don't drink caffine except the occasional cup of green tea upon waking. Restless leg isn't helping, either. Unfortunately this means I've been having to take Ambien every night. I really don't like taking that stuff, but if it's what I have to do to stop the torturous nights, I'll do it.
I survived my sister's graduation weekend.
In other news:
*My car has a new battery so I can DRIVE!
*I got a new iPod. It's purple.
*I'm attempting to learn Japanese.
*I'm eating an almost completely asian diet. This does not mean I eat asians, contrary to popular belief. In truth it has a lot to do with rice, noodles, seaweed and coconut milk. My stomach has been rejecting European/American food.
*I've been getting my butt kicked by 6 personal rats, 15 baby rats and 2 mother rats.
*I've been taking bellydancing and doing restorative yoga. Nothing cures constipation like bellydancing
*I'm threatening to stay in bed and not eat if my loyal friends make good on their plans to move east. Wait, don't I do that anyway?
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