The Scoop
>> Thursday, June 18, 2009
Here's the scoop people:
1. The breathing issue got way out of hand so mom and I made a 3 AM trip to the ER where, as I feared, the doctor just looked at me and told me there was absolutely nothing wrong with my breathing. This made me very upset since I had been being worn down over a period of some-odd days of really working hard to breathe. The doc gave me a simple breathing treatment and sent me home. The treatment lasted me about 12 hours or less. Thankfully, I saw my chriopractor and that really helped. I also did some special yoga and yoga breathing techniques that helped. I'm on a higher dose of my inhaler now and it seems to be helping for the most part. I'm not a wonderful breather, but lack of oxygen isn't taking up my life right now so I'll take what I can get.
2. I went to get my port declotted yesterday. I will repeat here the words of my dear friend Gina who said, "Becca, I know you....and you would never clot." And she was right! The nurse at the specialty clinic flushed my port no problem. Turns out the nurses who tried to draw my blood had gone to the side of my port. Now I have to put compresses on the port site to get all the saline they put under my skin to absorb.
3. I've been having a wave of sinus headache/migraine mania. Just when one starts to let up another comes in. I've had so much Imitrex in the past 24's probably illegal. Today I decided to take it easy and lie around and read and sleep. Seems to help.
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