Health Calendar

>> Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I think I'll do this health update in calendar format:

Saw the Pulmonologist. He gave me a nose spray for my rhinitits and scheduled a sleep study. Mentioned I probably had sleep apnea.

Woke up with an 'episode' and went to the ER. Got some lovely drugs and an x-ray. I was more constipated than probably anyone has any right to be. Had a special enema. Went home to drink copious amounts of laxative tea.

Spent most of the day in bed groaning or in the bathroom. At least I felt well enough to check on the garage sale a couple times and watch Jay and Ginny set off all our fireworks.

Did breathing tests. They hurt my lungs. Then got my port looked at (it was fine). Had a sleep study in the evening. Failed to sleep. They finally caught a bit of REM just before they had to wake me up to go home. Hopefully I do it over. I feel cheated since I didn't sleep.

Tuesday: Found out I have to have a few tests done in addition to my colonoscopy (which is August 7th). Apparently transplant patients have to get some work ups done yearly while they're on the list. I've never been on the list more than 6 months before, let alone a year, so I didn't know about this until today. Makes sense, though. Hello more medical tests! If I die of radiation poisoning blame "them".

I'll let you know more as things progress!


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