Health Update
>> Monday, August 24, 2009
Whoa. I am so totally overdue for a health update. Sorry, people.
I'm afraid that this time the lack of news is not because I've been doing great but rather because I've been so busy being sick/being in the hospital.
My main problem has been headaches and migraines. Yes, there is a difference. And I'll get them at the same time. We think the headaches (which start in the neck and have occurred since my aneurysm-worthy stress test) may be because of some pinched nerve from the stress test. Yesterday even had an episode where it felt like the whole right side of my brain went numb. Probably not a good sign. The other thing has been heart palpitations that can get really severe. And, of course, constipation because of the tremendous amount of narcotics I'm having to take.
I've been to the ER three times in the past week. First time for a headache. Second time for abdominal pain and vomiting and then I got a headache while I was there. Third time, last night (or rather, this morning) for a headache/migraine.
So we're thinking: NEUROLOGIST. I'm also thinking I should just be admitted to the hospital while they do investigative work so that I can have pain control. This back-and-forth from home and the ER is very tiring on all of us, especially my mom who is at her first day of school today accompanying for the Wesleyan students. It's also Natalie's first day of college at UNL! She's moved into the dorm and seems to be enjoying herself.
Anyway, in other news, the insurance stuff is stable for now.
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