Green Goddess
>> Monday, August 24, 2009
If you haven't seen the movie Crazy Sexy Cancer by Kris Carr, you need to see it. Now. Go! Okay, finish reading this blog first. Then go watch the movie.
Inspired by Kris I got myself a cheap juicer from Target. Oh the beauty! Oh the convenience! Do you have any idea how many dark, leafy, wonderful greens I get into my body everyday? A lot! And then there's the carrots, apples, grapes or whatever else I feel inspired to chuck in the juicer. Note to self: I do not like tomatoes or beets (however good they may be for my liver) in my juice.
I feel like I'm on the top of the world after I drink my morning veggie juice. There's energy, mental clarity and all that good stuff. Plus, I know that in juice form I can assimilate the nutrients I need right away without my liver having to put itself through the paces. And we all know how much trouble Becca has assimilating vitamins. Plus, who wants to take a vitamin when you can have all the whole food benefits of luscious kale? Or cabbage?
I've been really getting into the raw foods diet. Not totally raw, mind you, but still very raw. This morning I had my juice which included:
1 carrot
1 apple
about 8 grapes
dandelion greens
romaine lettuce
and I had a bowl of cooked oat bran with flax seed oil and fresh blueberries.
I highly encourage everyone to do a bit of research into raw foods and a mostly raw food diet. It makes so much sense and I guarantee you'll feel better. True, I'm going through a lot of medical crap but I still manage to do my yoga, spend time outside, think happy thoughts and go on the occasional outing. The time between medical crises is so much richer, fuller and healthier.
In other news, here's what I'm reading:
-Messages from Your Angels by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D
-The Raw Food Detox Diet by Natalia Rose
-You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay
-Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips by Kris Carr
All highly recommended!
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