A Productive Day

>> Monday, October 11, 2010

9:58 PM
Aprille’s dining room

Today was productive. I got up, showered, dressed and took the meds before heading off to an appointment that didn’t exist. Well, it does, just not until next Monday. Got the week wrong. Having proven the time-space continuum theory I sent out a text message to three free-during-the-day friends that I would much appreciate a rat wrangler as I made a go at cleaning said rats cages. Gina arrived at my house shortly after I did and tried to mix her rat wrangling with some very stitch count intensive knitting. I could have told her that her multitasking was fruitless in the face of three to four rats all vying for her attention (and when not getting it resorting to chewing the bedding or knocking random objects off the table). Somehow it all worked out and when Gina had to leave she was escorted to the door by a very friendly, if not distracted, Jack. It may be argued that Jack had really come out to try and steal food from Gramma and Mom who were enjoying leftovers at the time, but I really think that was just a sideline perk to the whole escorting business.

Tried out the new food I’m supposed to be running a trial on with the rats. They were not pleased about it. After some tentative nibbles on the trial product they all came to me with sad, disappointed faces. I’m ashamed to admit that didn’t have the heart to deny them so…I may have put some yummy seed mix in there for them. I could have sworn I heard a choir singing the ‘Hallelujah’ chorus when they discovered it and had their first rapturous bites. “This never happened,” I told them.

I got some other things done around the house as well but they are much too boring to be written about. So was my blood test. The results of the test, however, earned me an after-hours concerned phone call from my doctor and much frustration on my part for not being able to bring up my potassium by any significant amount even after loyal pill gulping and a high-potassium Boost shake right before the blood test.

After all that it was time for an escape so I kidnapped Aprille from work and we went to Barnes and Noble where I bought her a drink to make up for the particularly cruel way in which I had kidnapped her. By the way, only part of that last sentence is true. You be the detective.

Aprille and I talked about spirituality which is a hot topic among the friends right now. I’m the only pagan in the group so I have a different take on a lot of things. Sometimes people get it, sometimes they don’t. It doesn’t really matter to me as long as they don’t burn me at the stake.

I could write more on that subject, but it’s late, I’m tired and I’ve been talking about it all evening so I’m thinking I’ll just leave it there for now. Hopefully I’ll be more inspired later.


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